Fic author rec: pink_bagels

Nov 09, 2007 11:11

pink_bagels rocks my angsty, mind-fuck, horror-tinged imagination. She's written a slew of Life on Mars fic and some Supernatural ones. Here are my favorites so far.

Title: In Sync (WIP)
Fandom: Life on Mars
Chapters: one, two
Author: pink_bagels
Rating: Green Cortina (translates to R for language and disturbing imagery)
Summary: Sam's past, present and future catch up with him and he has to pay the price.

Title: Flicks
Fandom: Life on Mars
Chapters: 1 - 8 (see her fanfic index for links)
Author: pink_bagels
Rating: Between Blue and Red Cortina for explicit horror, some swearing (translation: hard R)
Summary: Sam Tyler sees dead people. (warning: spoilers for season 2, episode 4 and The Exorcist :P)

Title: Intensive Care
Fandom: Life on Mars
Author: pink_bagels
Rating: PG-13
Summary: A recovering Sam has a run in with old friends while in hospital.

Title: Medium Girl
Fandom: Life on Mars
Author: pink_bagels
Rating: Green Cortina (translation: PG)
Summary: The Test Card Girl gets philosophical. Some spoilers for the last episode if you squint.

Title: We Thought It Was A Dog
Fandom: Supernatural
Author: pink_bagels
Rating: PG
Summary: That was a dog that was found by the side of the road...wasn't it?

Prepare to be alternately amused and creeped out. :)

life on mars, fic rec

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