Rx for wheel-spinning frustration

Nov 09, 2007 10:43

For the past few days I've been incredibly flippin' moody. A good part of it is due to waiting. I'm waiting on several people for various projects. The ball's in their court. There's no excuse for one of them, since it's a business. Not much I can do there, though. (Heard from the business. Whew!)

Since I refuse to mope my way through the weekend, I declare Saturday and Sunday home improvement days. A few small and one medium-sized projects have been on hold for a while, but no longer! The bricks taking up space in my driveway will be put to work. Take that, ennui!

When I get tired of manual labor I'll switch gears to working on aliencrabcake's logo, a small writing project, fandom_isle, and possibly working on a novel outline.

Yup, plenty of stuff to keep me out of trouble. :)

writing, house

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