אתמול יפעת התקשרה אליי למשרד וניגנה בפסנתר עד שהבטריות של הפלאפון שלי נגמרו. זה היה נורא יפה, הסיטואציה. בדרך כלל אני לא יודעת להעריך מוזיקה קלאסית, אפילו עם אינסטרומנטלית יש לי חריקות, בעת שהאזנתי למוגוואי התחלתי לזמזם להם מילים שלופות מהמותן שנשמעו באופן חשוד כמו השורה הראשונה של Such Great Heights
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Not nuts, just peculiar! And this smiley (^_^) is the cutest ever.
Well, I think having some standards is a good start, isn't it? And recognising where you stand in regard of your standards, too. when I just turned vegan I went on a preaching spree about the meat/dairy industry, and there are always those people who widen their eyes and exclaim "that's so horrible!" and proceed to eat a reeking beef steak.
Hypocrite bastards, hate 'em all!
Or all those people who say: "yeah, but I don't eat a lot of meat". As if that's supposed to justify the meat they do consume? And they always feel like they need to apologise for it, well, it's stupid, they don't need to apologise to ME. It's as though they think that by apologising to me it'd give them some sort of approval to continue doing the wrongs they do recognise they are doing. Or something, I'm not too coherent and I stopped preaching a long time ago. :/
Sure they must. You'd think so too after you've spent enough time with me. *points at the long line of previous victims*
And girltouching is hot too. But more on practice than in theory if you know what I mean. ^_^
Yay for No. 6's!!
(I am not a man, I'm a free number?)
Yeah, ever since my brother purchased "Star Wars Galaxy" I've been stripped of any internet usage privileges I once had. But err, I shouldn't complain, that shit is addictive. I play a musician and I hang around the local cantina all day long and play some kind of weird flute and everybody dance around and I enjoy it way more than I should. It's kind of distressing..
*hides under stolen blanket*
Yes, ^_^ is cute. We know. We also like :") . Very manga.
we are talking in the royal we, not the 'me and my other personalities' psycho-we. (just fyi).
Hmm. I'm glad you've stopped preaching. People have to figure out stuff on their own, and listening to someone else's rants hardly ever ever ever works. I can't remember the last time I truly triggered change in someone's world outlook by just one or two conversations. It something that takes a while to sink in, and not all change is possible.
For instance, I'm doubtful you'd get me to quit my omnivorous habbits (or be apologetic about it), or to get me to start boytouching ;)
I'm wondering, are all your close friends vegans, too?
It seems to be quite an important issue to you, do you handle diversity in opinion on the subject amongst your friends?
I like to consider myself a pluralist, but, fact is, I don't have, say, any close religious friends, so maybe I fault at diversity in opinion too...
And girltouching is hot too. But more on practice than in theory if you know what I mean. ^_^
Can you spell: "ROWR!!!"?
Yay for No. 6's!!
(I am not a man, I'm a free number?)
Free radicals!
Uhm, I was quoting Patrick McGoohan's The Prisoner. If you don't know what The Prisoner is, now's the time to check it out of the Ozen Hashlishit instead of playin a musician in a cantina. You will love me for all eternity after you see it.
One of the best TV shows ever made (up there with I, Claudius, Cold Lazarus, OZ, and Dr. Who).
Hmm, and if you know (and love) The Prisoner, then you just scored a whopping 5(!!) cool-points.
:") is adorable! We (royal, of course, of course, didn't think otherwise.. *shiftily looks to her left and right*) also like :*), that's us blushing. And :^), after the nosejob.
Preaching is rather pointless, I agree. The most it serves is getting me VERY pissed off and starting me hatin' on all my friends, because frankly most of them are horrendous carnivores. Only Nitay is vegan (haha, he was omnivorous when he met me. I turned him veggie, he turned us both vegan. It was teamwork at its best) and a few of my friends are veggie.
It is tough for me, I do feel very strongly about the issue. That's why I try just to avoid the subject, I just don't talk about it because I hate getting annoyed at people I otherwise like lots. I just make it clear that if they go to dinner with me they have to eat veggie, and so far it has worked. Of course there are those people (none of them are my friends naturally) who try to force me into talking about it, god knows why, maybe they're just eager for a heated argument. In that case I just tell them I really don't feel like getting all worked up over an opinion I can't change and proceed to eating my tofu and lettuce!
(GGGAAAHH I'm so incoherent today.. Actually I'm incoherent all the time so nevermind. But today more than usual.)
Now about boytouching preaching, here a girl most be more crafty and sneaky. You have to slowly pump the idea into your friends' head, first forcing them to see lots of gay movies, then pointing at random guys on the street and saying 'cute, huh?'. At some point your guy friend would be caught off guard and say 'yeah he's cute' and that'd be the turning point of his heterosexual pose. *whistles innocently*
but you know the problem with girltouching, it's just not as rare. When girls hug it's fake, they hug all the time, they can hug girls they hate. It means nothing. Now when boys hug it's different. ^_^ (arghhh let me get back to this point when I'm more coherent.. the coffee I just drank made me slow)
Of course I know The Prisoner, but I haven't watched it (yet). So um, may I have 2 of those spiffy cool-points? *cute smile* I'd hang them on my wall next to my collection of scene points.
And I can't play my musician anymore, my brother moved out for err, half a week and he took the computer with him. The kid's a nutcase. Too bad, I was just starting to get real good, I was rocking out!
yeah, I hate trolls (=people who start arguments/flame wars/provocators/etc.), too.
At least my sister allows me to eat in peace.. It would be hell if I had to eat veggie when I'm with her...
But then again, I guess it's a common price people pay to spend time with the company of others they care about. Has to do with respecting other's beliefs :)
..Like a friend of mine's entire family eat kosher when his older brother (who's become relegious) is around..
Oooo... You scheming boytouching fanatic! I must be very careful when around you ^_^ . I'm prone to gayish behaviour.
I don't consider hugging another guy gay, though. I hug my friends when I meet em'.
Girltouching still r0xorz.
I have the entire series on DVD *gloats*.
You MUST watch it.
Yes, you MUST.
Why are you still reading this?
Go watch The Prisoner NOW!!
(Yes, I like it THAT much).
Anyway, you'll get 1 point now, and 1 point after you see the first episode. The other points will come after watching the rest of it. :)
Well yeah. People who go eating out with know meat makes me sick to the bone and there's no way I'd be able to eat if there's meat around. So I make it quite clear.. In family dinners when they eat meat it's horrible. I just stare at my plate, but sometimes I can't bear it. Like if they're eating fish. I hate fish with every ounce of tofu-ingesting muscle in my body. I hated fish long before I stopped eating meat and I'd probably hate it long after I'd die and rot in my grave. BAHH FISH. So if they eat fish I'd rather pass dinner than sit there and try not to throw up. HATE FISH.
Wow yay! I like boys who are prone to gayish behaviour, they're easier. ^_^ Now I'm using my LJ as a boytouching power-source, I made it so totally hot. I'm proud of myself!
Hugging other guys isn't gay, at all. But it's so cute because you don't see it just as much. I like it when guys get all sappy..
Girltouching is ace. What's your favourite girltouching film? (I say film to restrict it to the 'movies with plots' category)
Well, smartass, you'd have to GIVE me the DVD first, wouldn't you? I mean I tried watching it anyway, I sat in front of my computer and whispered wistfully 'the prisoner, play mode ON!' but it didn't work. The 21th century sucks.
*sobs, wanting to get her greedy hands on all of the cool points*
You and my sister would get along. She too has a deep loathing of all things fishie.
You know
just ..
they're ...
Me? Easy? *innocent*
I'm a sappy sappy lil' sap. :D
Favourite girltouching film.. hmm... I'll have to get back to you 'bout that.
A) It's several DVDs.
B) I'll die before I hand it over to the likes of you!!! (uhm, jokes n stuff, but it's important to me :))
C) GO TO THE EFFIN VIDEOSTORE. The ozen has it :)
No cool points for you, come back one year.
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