אתמול יפעת התקשרה אליי למשרד וניגנה בפסנתר עד שהבטריות של הפלאפון שלי נגמרו. זה היה נורא יפה, הסיטואציה. בדרך כלל אני לא יודעת להעריך מוזיקה קלאסית, אפילו עם אינסטרומנטלית יש לי חריקות, בעת שהאזנתי למוגוואי התחלתי לזמזם להם מילים שלופות מהמותן שנשמעו באופן חשוד כמו השורה הראשונה של Such Great Heights
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I also have guesses for some of the others but I guess it's a bit too risky to put online so I may tell you that in person instead.
בכל מקרה, אני ראיתי היום סרט יפני אחר. הגעתי למסקנה שהגיע הזמן לנצל את הDVD שלי ולראות את הסרטים שאני קונה מדי פעם אם הם אפילו הספיקו להגיע לקולנוע פה. הוא לא כלל ילדות עם שער ארוך שלא ישנות, ואפילו לא היתה שם באר, אבל מצד שני, האנשים היחידים בסרט שאכלו בשר נהפכו לחזירים כך שהיית מוצאת בו משהו להנות ממנו.
And people who eat meat should turn into pigs and be eaten by other people who eat meat and so forth until they learn their lesson.
In any case, I didn't really like 'The Ring'... I mostly sat there thinking 'I can't believe I came all the way to Ramat-Gan in order to watch this movie'. But sadly, I've been thinking that on most movies that I've seen lately with the exception that I try to avoid seeing movies in Ramat-Gan. Perhaps I should cruise around for the Japanese version, just for the heck of it.
Please let's not talk about The Ring, I'm sitting in front of a computer (naturally) and as we all know miss little creep can hunt you through screens! She might just grab me as I type one of my boss' tedious letters. *shakes and shivers*
If I may confess? That time when I scared myself being all alone in the office and retreated to hide under the table? It was a day after I saw The Ring, I was seeing girls who don't sleep anywhere I went.
Still better than this long week in which I saw dead people. :/
I must say that up to this day I've already heard 3 different reasons why you were hiding under the table that faithful day and I'm beginning to suspect that hiding under tables is a much more frequent event that you've let me to believe, like hiding under cats.
Thinking of a tv show I've recently seen made me realize that I also do some editing of the show in my mind. For example, in that particular show there was a detail in the plotline I decided was kinda stupid so instead I've found a much better (imo) explenation for things and I'm trying to fit the events to that explenation and am somewhat upset when the events on the show don't fit with it. Me and Sirk have something like that going with Mage as well, but since just a game we can decide that our version is the right one.
He does seem to be developing a leather fetish, though.
I know!! He even gave Conor leather clothings on several occasions, but that's probably just to piss me off!
..but the goatee now, that's inexcusable.
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