My 2006 in Pictures

Jan 02, 2007 06:10

I spent the last few days of 2006 reflecting on the year that was... and how fast the year has come and gone. Overall, despite the earful of complaints that my friends had to put up with whilst I was going through 2006, I feel that it has been a growing up year for me.

I started the year being newly single and extremely vulnerable with my high school friends as we ushered in the New Year in Zouk and Hotel Maya. We shopped/taboo-ed/drunk/clubbed/lok lok-ed the day and night away as this was probably the first time in a while that we've been together in a long time. A great start to the year!

Then next day was celebrated with too many rellies in our family 'reunion'. I, am not really close to my rellies, in fact, after this party, I just somewhat avoid going to any of the family celebrations. The thing that shocked me in this one was the fact that it was deemed "The Nyonya and Alwi Parr's descendants" referring to my great grandmother, who was an offspring of a British (who's actually Scot) commissioner in my father's hometown of Tampin. I'm quite baffled by the fact that we are still in somewhat denial to the fact that we have had no contact whatsoever to that side of the family since the 70s or something and there is nothing left stated in the family.

2nd day of the New Year, I went to a waterfall with another group of friends!

So early in the year, but I realized, I have so many friends that I share my life with all the time to be thankful for.

This year was also a year of travels for me...

March saw me in Bangkok for the Bangkok Rock 100 Festival

Was in Singapore in May, amidst the heat of World Cup Fever, to watch West Side Story (which I won tickets from, courtesy of Kaki Seni)

Unfortunately for me, my team didn't get very far.

Then in September, I was off to Jakarta to meet my clients for the first time. Unfortunately, didn't really load any pictures from this time to anywhere...

In October... the best trip of my life. Cannes, France and Rome, Italy.

And most recently, Cherating again... (pics will follow once I've gotten a memory card reader).

Am very thankful for the opportunities to travel that opened for me to enlighten myself with the ways of the world this year

This year also saw me through the first major career change of my life...

From the carefree, reckless hours of production work

To the more structured and desk-bound world of marketing

And for the first time in my (Malaysian) life, I found a job whereby I could (and had to) depend on public transportation to get to work. The Wonders!

Am thankful for the chance given to me to prove to myself that I am able to adapt myself to other situations and not to niche myself in just production.

2006 also saw me partying (in all my drunken stupor) my life away all over the world, with many pictures to prove (thanks to my camwhoring friends).

(shall spare you the rest)

Thank you for the awesome friends and the great locations and wonderful music this year has exposed me to.

And also seeing me reconnected with friends from the past.

And new friends for the future. (refer to various pictures above)

And appeared (more than once) in the local papers...

* Article 1
* Article 2
(Miah... link doesn't work, but if you did a search on the NST archive with my name, I'm sure you'll find at least 2 articles.)

Life has enlightened me with many many paths this past year, that I cannot help but be eternally grateful that I am back to learn all these lessons with the company of my loved ones, be it friends or family. Couldn't have asked for more (although I usually do).

Thank you 2006, despite me complaining that you were the hardest and suckiest year in my life, I'm glad I had had the time to reflect and appreciate how good you were to me.

So, 2007 try and top that!

Happy New Year Everybody!

party, rome, 2006, netherlands, bangkok, singapore, cannes

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