Sep 12, 2005 14:39
I've been trying to get a second job at a Gas Station today and trying to turn in my resume to this place that pays like 17 bucks an hour after your first 90 days. I hope something happens! Cats got a lot of shit she's getting ready to do and honestly I'm getting stressed out because I don't know if I am going to be able to send her with that much money. I've got things I can sell!
2 pairs of new rock boots! One pair is imported from Germany and has the blue flames on them ( very hard to find!) size 11 us And also a pair of platform springy boots size 11 us
I have an old Blue Dean guitar just needs the jack fixed on it ( paul reed smith rip off )
A korg Dss-1 no one would really want this keyboard because it's a dinosaur and still takes floppy's it's from the 80's but if you are a geek and collect maybe ?