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Other news:
I went down to the pool at like... 9 and worked with Shannon and Justin around the pool. I had to get in the water this morning and I wasn't too thrilled about that at all. But oh well. The bathrooms were SO NASTY! The day started off pretty slow but more came around 3. It was kinda cold today.... oh well.
I attacked Marleen when she came down. I soaked her... with a bear hug after getting out of the water. It was classic.
I'm sitting around now very bored. Chris went to go bowling with friends so I have no one to talk to =(...
It sucks cos hes gonna be gone for like 2 weeks and I'm soo busy with work that I don't get to see him as much as I'd like to. I think we are doing something on the 2nd. BUT I dunno yet...
Taylor's birthday is tomorrow!! HAPPY BIRTHDAYYY TAYYYLORRR!
Marz's is the 2nd.hermmmm I still need to get another part of her present... I'll figure that out later.
That's all. I think I might go upstairs and watch Summerland.... herrmmm....