title: Wake Up Call (or: a Pointless Drabble) rating: G fandom: Super Junior characters: Hyukjae, Donghae summary: Hyukjae thinks about asking Donghae why he can’t just wake him up in a nice, friendly, normal, manner. notes: This is old old old, but I felt like finishing and posting it anyway, I kinda miss HyukHae.
rating: G to PG-13 fandom: Super Junior pairing: Various - Shiwon/Donghae, Hankyung/Donghae, Zhou Mi/Kyuhyun, Hankyung/Kibum comments: this is me trying to get back into writing again! four random drabbles, so maybe not a successful attempt XD;;
title: Artificial Heart rating: G fandom: Super Junior pairing: Heechul/Donghae prompt: 'this heart' notes: AU, 100 words is difficult, and. uh. more robots.
title: Misled rating: PG-13 fandom: DBSK/Super Junior pairing: Donghae/Jaejoong summary: They end up spending the evening talking and laughing. comment: I just needed to write something for this pairing. Very short.
title: Hot rating: PG-13 for cursing fandom: Super Junior pairing: Yehsung/Donghae summary: Yehsung is hot. comments: For quiet_morning because she asked for this pairing. Thanks to zeehondpunk for once again providing me with the most random of word prompts XD This is so stupid.