Aug 20, 2006 14:34
At first I didnt think I had anyone to write this essay on, My mind was blank.
I love all my friends and family but choosing just one to write about seemed difficult.However
out of everyone I admire, I chose to do my friend Taylor Cash.
because she would basically be the funnest to write about.
Just from the first sentence you can see how amazing she is, simply because her last name is Cash,
No relatance to Johnny sadly, but we can pretend.
I love this girl because, we can laugh at anything at any time of the day, because she is equally
as insane as myself, and last because she has such amazing ninja skills that pretty much are
better than the ninja turtles.
Laughing is the key to all happiness they say right?
Well it might be true, but I know whenever Im around her we will laugh until were in tears.
It can be any day, and at anytime. At night when the normal teenager have already went to sleep,
you can usually find us online talking about random useless stuff. That will make anyone laugh
even if you dont know us.
One night, when I had a few friends over. Taylor and my other friend Lisa. Decided they wanted to
be all markered up. So they grabbed my cup of permanent markers and drew all over each others faces.
Then I took pictures of it and and put them every where. It was a crazy act, but the three of us were
surely laughing when it happened and while looking back at the pictures.
Another thing, is that we always make up silly nicknames for each other. I probably have a million
which I cant remember, but a few are. T-money, Treehugger of Doom,Super furby,Lime and citrus,
gangstalicious, bubalicious.There are so many of them, and there will be hundreds of more to come.
Considering we have a new one it seems like everyday.
The second reason why I think Taylor was a good choice for this essay is because she is equally
as crazy and spontaneous as myself.
Even if its just simple things, as we've started a fund so we could buy ourselves a straightjacket off of
EBAY. So we could run around in it everywhere and make random people laugh at us.
There are so many crazy things we do together, but the funniest and somewhat dangerous thing we've
done, is going to Dariy Queen.
To most people, that doesn't sound dangerous, but in fact it is.
You see I live right near Dairy Queen, so we decided to go up there and get ourselves some
ice cream. Instead of walking around this scary forest, we decided to be lazy and cut through it.
There were bums in it, we were running so fast to get through it. And almost got ourselves lost.
Sounds fun?
Well actually it was, because afterwards we were out of breath and laughing hysetrically.
The last reason, but certaintly not the least favorite reason why I admire Taylor is because of her
ninja skills.I mean how many people do you know, that have such skills as her?
Just two nights ago, she was pushed into this monsterous spider web, which had a HUGE spider in
it...So maybe im exaggerating just a bit, but it was pretty big.
Anyways back to the story, she was pushed into it. The web entirely around her body. And she used
her amazing skills to escape from the venemous spider and got away without one peice of web on her.
I mean talent like that, could come in handy.
As you can see, there are plenty of things to be said about Taylor Cash. Just to write 5 paragraphs
on her doesn't seem to tell everything about her. You just need to meet her personally to see why i chose
her. But what you can see from this essay is that, shes a walking comedian, has great skills,
pretty much insane, She is also someone who doesn't care what others think. And for all these
reasons combined is why she was perfect to write about. And one more very important thing you must
know about her to understand her ways, is that she is the cookie monster in disguise. But shhh! Its
a secret.