Dec 19, 2004 16:24
yesterday, hhmm let me try to recall the day. ummm oh yeah!!!
Ok, SO Friday night i went to bed at like 1 and I had to get up at 6 because I had a fundraiser breakfast thing I had to help out with. SO I got home around 11 and I was really tired so at 11:19 I fell asleep and didn't wake up until 1:42. How I remember these times, i have no idea. Then, I took a shower and crap and Went out to meet some scrubs at The Red Sun. It was good, but it was sortta weird too, cause some of the chicken was like ...umm looking really odd. BUt whatever, I still ate it. Then as we were leaving Gavin and Jordon walked in so we all went to "a place I can not speak of" and hung out there for a while. It was fun. Then we went to Incredible Yogurt. As I walked in I realized some york town dorks were sitting at the tables. haha Yeah, good ol' Ryan. ok! So I was talkin to my friends and all of a sudden some guy starts stripping outside and some one is recording it and it was the funniest thing. OHmy gosh. I was laughing sooooooooo hard. Then Gavin runs outside, and I think I will stop my mind from replaying the image. haha
SO we went to Staceys house and just hung out there. Then the next morning she took me home. I went to Church, then Conformation where I left in a rage like always.
This is how it always unfolds. I walk into Conformation class all happy and crap and then when I leave I'm mad. THATS NOT SUPOSE TO HAPPEN! The rest of the day now I have been upset. Like once I get upset over something small its hard for me to just go back to normal. I don't even know why I am in a bad mood right now. I need to smack my self out of it. But AHHH!!! I cant.
SO, I am wating for my sister Anna and her b/f to show up for dinner. I am really excited about seeing him, his name is SLIM, and he lives in California!!!! How kewl is that??? haha But yeah, they should be here soon!!!