10.02.20 Star Live You&Jin 13:00 report

Feb 28, 2010 00:08

Although this was my second but last show, *fake gasp* I felt like I should have been more depressed than I was, plus the fact I was sitting on the 2nd floor pretty far back...but overall, I guess the opening helped me tremendously.xD

My seat view before the show started

So as always, we got the GO GO BROTHERS come out, the juggler, joey and 4life coming to the audience stands and so on...2 guys of 4life came to the 2nd floor as well and started waving. I found that they like to creep from behind of the closer seats [cause the exits are behind them], stay there a while until the girls suddenly realizing that they're there and are completely in shock.xD Being a proud Canadian [hmmm], I brought a small flag with me [didn't dare to bring it out the first day-v-], and when one of 4life came back to look at the back stands, I started waving at him. He waved back, I brought out the flag and started waving that at him. Him -> o_O and came up to me going "Canada?", I went "yeah", he asked if that flag was a present and I went sure. Then he stuffed the flag in his hair and called over the other guy.
The other guy [I seriously should have asked for their names but I'll just refer to them by number..*hides*] came to me and asked me a few things, suddenly going, "I'm tired, it's early" and started laying down on the stairs beside my aisle, then the first guy came back too and laid down on the pathway in front of me. [me going "woh", girls around me going "wtf"... lol not really] They talked some more and the first guy went "I'm gonna wave this [flag] on stage" and headed back to the stage.
When they did, the first guy called over the other guys from 4life and started waving the flag at 2nd floor. I stared...then waved back [lol kinda slow here], then I think he called over Joey and Josh and had them waving too at me. Afterwards the girl beside me went "yokatta desu ne" while myself still all over the place -v-

[ok enough about myself. I just hope Jin at least had the chance of peeking over at the flag at back stage...*fingers crossed*]

Nothing changed much for the actual show. Jin came out in the white jacket, hi-fiving with his dancers, and launched into Christmas Morning.

To remark, I finally saw his face during the intense scene during Keep it up [lol...wtf], though he just tilted his head back and you couldn't really see his expressions.

You can tell Jin's REALLY into I.N.P. During the "clap your hands" parts, instead of "demonstrating" to us, he just starts clapping/hi-fiving with the dancers instead. For the woooooo part where everyone does the hands-down movement, he had the biggest smile and led basically everyone into doing the same thing. Then everyone was cheering/yelling while him and the girl teased each other over the hanging-down microphone.

This time during the transition where the 4 mirror were used, I finally saw the stage sinking down where Jin had stood for him to change. I must say, the transition music were simply brilliant. Jin's brilliant, there.xD

I don't know, I just tend to get teary during A Page... Jin had his cap on, and hoodie on top of that. Underneath the zebra-hooded jacket, he had capri pants and these huge bright yellow running shoes? They were massive under the binoculars=v=

LOVEJUICE with hoodie off and caps on.

Jin again went to Uesato Ryota to drink water and chat with him before both Hatachi no Sensou and BANDAGE. He probably had his cap off and hoodie back on, but binoculars didn't do me much justice [maybe because my hands were shaking too much?]. I didn't see much of the stage effects either and it's like looking at a screen when you look through the binoculars...so a little drawback for 2nd floor views.

care. Pretty face beneath the messed-up hair. Jin still kept his eyes closed during the first few lines to adjust to lights, then covered up his face with arm during the interlude [I really don't think he's upset, it's still the lights that's blinding him-v-] After the song where there was an extension of the music, he had his hand movements with the drums and guitar, and shook his already messed-up hair more messier, all you could see was basically just the hair.xD Then he shook one last time in time with the last note, and went back down stage.

The lights were so dim during Hallelujah so I couldn't use my binoculars, nor was I able to see his face during times he wasn't singing, but I supposed he probably took the time to peek at the audiences-v- He then sang the high note for his part. One guy from 4life [I think it was the first guy that talked to me] sitting beside Jin pointed to his watch during their harmony, and the girl beside that guy hit his arm to stop him. After the song finished, Jin pointed at his watch as well, where everyone just burst out laughing.

This time during change, Jin went down the stage, sat in a chair where a little boy was sitting, held his arm and sang a part close to him. The girls around them went wild, though the boy looked so confused that he turned away. Jin then started laughing and went back.

Jin: Everyone, konnichiwa
Fans: Yay~
Jin: Nice weather today~ [ii tenki desu ne~]
Fans: That's right~ [sou desu ne~]
Jin: LOL. I felt like I've turned into Tamori-san just now
Fans: LOL
Jin: It's alright, sorry about that. Eto...welcome to You&Jin
Fans: *applause*
Jin: You&Jin, aka YouJin. A show that carries the meaning of friends
Fans: *laugh*
Jin: To which Johnny-san gave this wonderful name
Fans: *laugh*
Jin: In saying that...
Fans: *applause*
Jin: Thank you. You alright? 2nd and 3rd floors? [Jin refers our floor as 3rd and GC as 2nd]
Fans: *applause+screams*
Jin: Thank you. Talking about friends, the stage, the cast had a lot of friends as well. The guy dancing just now (Joey) is also my friend. He's LA's Amari..um? Ame..America's dance champion
Fans: Eh~~~ *applause*
Jin: Also the guy who was reading the precaution list jokingly, Keibo is also my friend. Also, the song WONDER that I sang with Crystal Kay before, did everyone know about that?
Fans: *applause* [? wonder why no one yelled anything]
Jin: That was a collaboration song. After this, there's also 2 collaboration songs. One is with Nishikido Ryo
Fans: Kya~
Jin: The other one was from LANDS, Kaneko Nobuaki-kun, from RIZE
Fans: *applause*
Jin: Sorry..[LANDS and RIZE] sounds pretty alike. Now I'll be performing this song that I collaborated with him, please listen, Paparats.

Jin would open his eyes wide during the "I'm having fun, thank you" line.

So much fun during Hey Girl. The guy besides Jin always got him laughing, so Jin kept pointing at him, and the guy turned around and gave us his back-v-. 4life also went in the audience stands and one guy got the girl sitting at the center to dance with him.

Then comes world dance. The guy introducing was such a laugh. He went "I can't hear ya! Maybe you don't know what I'm saying, but I'm having fun, that's ok". The funniest thing is that no one actually understood him...lmao.

Jin came out with the fedora and the white overall, lined up with 5 more people in a triangle, and started the dance [I don't know much dance moves myself so please forgive me for not remembering exact moves..]

Pop dance was Jin with Joey and Kazumi. Joey basically can move every joint of his body...literally. Kazumi did the dummy dance? [remember in Utawara there was a father and daughter pair with phantom of opera bg music] by bending down until her head almost touching the ground, made a split and moved forward and sideways in that position.

Screen dance was awesome. Basically everything was done with the lights. Jin and 2 others lined up with spotlights on them, then "wiped" the lights little by little until it's all off. Afterwards leaves covered Jin's body, where Jin sneezed the leaves onto the right person, the left, then back onto himself.||| Then they're under water, where they try to escape to breath. Jin and another guy managed, and they dragged 2 huge straws from below and sucked the water out of the middle guy. Next, beating hearts appeared on their clothes, and starting from Jin, began burning up. Jin pretended that it was really hot by making fans with his hands. Then they picked up a bucket beside them and dumped it on their heads so "water" covered their bodies. They then kept the buckets on their heads and started dancing, where Jin held the bucket afraid of it falling. Each of buckets had Jin's face on it, and turning while the people inside are turning. Lastly we got different costumes reflected on them, and finally Jin with shorts only.

Trickin' dance didn't have Jin I believe...couldn't remember what happened anyways= =
Lock dance had the cigarette trick and throwing hat trick. Every time Jin does it, the fans goes wild but it goes back to Jin so a big sigh there.xD

The dance with scarfs was really cool as well, I'm so amazed that there hasn't been one report that said Jin made a mistake in these dances.

This time I finally saw the PV on the screen during ha-ha. Let me just say, it would be such a pity if this concert don't get a DVD [so go write postcards people> <]

After ha-ha where the 4 girls from splendor has their figures on the screen, 4life replaced them and here comes My Mp3. Jin stood in the center doing big movements by leading everyone to clap in the beginning. After where the dancers lined up in a roof shape and does the EXILE move, when Jin peeks out, he would point out at the audiences. Finally everyone lies? down and Jin stood there alone.

During RESET, Jin does the rewinding movement with his hands, and had everyone waving to the chorus. In the end where Jin goes oh~oh~, the guy beside him repeats oh~oh~ and Jin tried really hard not to laugh and continued singing.

Eternal was blindingly beautiful...Jin's voice was so gorgeous it totally draws you into the song. I tried really hard not to follow the lyrics or else I'd probably teared up right where I was. He bowed again afterwards.

Jin went to the audience stands again during Keep it up, to which I didn't get to see cause it was beyond my view-v-

During the introduction, he turned his hands while moved around by turning, and just when you thought it was over, he did a tiny hip move that obviously drove everyone crazy..> <

Again, Jin thanked everyone for coming after the dancers left, and wanted to keep going with the shows. Finally a big "ciao" from him before he left the stage.

This time everyone kept clapping for a long time until the stage lights went off. [Josh just doesn't come out anymore eh?]

See eternal's "earth"?


Because I had to stay around to wait for my friend, I got a chance to look at the ticket scalpers going around. Funny thing is that they would just pass by you and go "aruyo~" [I have it]... I don't know, I found that quite amusing.xD

..and the staff didn't even try to stop them. They just stood around and..watched.

The next show was starting and I watched more girls lining up...T T

The whole experience was breath-taking, and unbelievable. I still doubt that I really saw him in person. And I must admit that, it is addictive.
Still, my trip does not end here and I'll try to update [someday] about it.
For now, thank you for reading this far.xD

concert, personal, Jin♡

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