My seat was row D seat 20, so believe me, it was a VERY VERY good seat.
Too much of a waste for the first show you attend, if you ask me.
So after the not-so-long queue of goods line [personally for me since I got there too early], the whole theatre looked so small and everyone around me was going "OMG OMG WE'RE SO CLOSE!". When I found my seat, the stage is literally less than 5 meters away from me, so the 3 girls in front were going "OMG I CAN'T BE THIS CLOSE TO JIN! YOU SIT HERE INSTEAD!!" lol.
A bit past 1pm, the GO GO BROTHERS came out with their robot-moves, the juggler girl came out on the unicycle, Joey and the guys of 4life [and one guy in weird tube-like] came out and just started hi-fiving with the girls sitting on the sides. Then Keibo/Josh came out and started introducing the stage [saying since he's the only white guy on the show], then someone started teasing him wanting him to sing a song, but then got to sing BINGO all by himself [I still didn't get the name of this guy...] It was a girl's birthday so the guys got around her singing this...weird birthday song with lots of screaming...and all the sudden, Jin appeared on stage! So everyone started screaming like crazy [I missed the moment, T T], but then I immediately felt tears in my eyes seeing Jin this close for the first time in my life...[I could go on but I'll stop here..]
Jin had his pineapple-like ponytail right on top of his head, sunglasses and that huge white jacket covering him up making his body like a polar bear, his face just looked so small and smooth> < It was just such a sight seeing his pretty face up close.
After the crystal version of Eternal, Jin started hitting the drums, repeating a few "ladies", did his robot-moves, and launched into Christmas Morning. He looked so concentrated and so into his music that I couldn't take my eyes off him.
There were robot girls walking around pushing carts around him during the song, which he would just bang their heads down while singing, and once he took the fake mask off a robot?girl?, there was this metal mask underneath. Creepy, but original. After the drums, he went to the guitar and started on that too. Talk about multi-tasking<3
Keep it up was awesome and I just started mouthing to the song since it was so catchy. The part where Jin was between the dancer girl's crotch [I'm sure there was this clip], I couldn't really see anything except Jin's knees appearing through that over-ripped jeans..xD
Then comes WONDER. Finally seeing this live, it was quite a different feeling with 4life dancing around Jin instead of the girls, very fun to watch.
I absolutely LOVED I.N.P. Especially where Jin and the dancers got the audience to do the hands-down movement during the woooooo part. Also where Jin and the vocal girl's tease lines with the down-hanging microphone.
For Adjust the love, these large continent-like shapes were hanged from the top. Jin stood on the right side of the stage and Josh on the left, I'm pretty sure we all heard how the rap was...the girls beside me just kept going "sugoi sugoi". My eyes were glued to Jin [of course] and he's just really enjoying himself by singing his part and mouthing to Josh's lines.
Then the 4 girls from splendor came out with these 4 large mirrors?boards? that were transparent but can turn opaque by switches. Jin stood in the middle where a mirror covered him [right in front of me], and gone when the mirror was removed. Then you could see images of Jin showing on the mirrors, and I think the GO GO BROTHERS were dancing?
As soon as the music stopped, Jin appeared again in his zebra-like hooded jacket but only with his pink cap on, his hair coming out nicely like how they were on the CTKT episode, then A Page started.
This song brought tears to my eyes, simply watching Jin standing on stage, singing about his life to us. I probably wasn't able to hold myself when he started the 2nd verse cause that's just what he was doing right at the moment.
I was surprised that not many people realized LOVEJUICE was starting until the title was flashed on the screen. Couldn't remember much of the dance but I kept mouthing to whichever songs I know-v-
Then clips of BANDAGE was played on the screen, Jin walked to where Uesato Ryota stood and chatted with him in the dark. Jin came back without his cap, but the hoodie on. Then came Hatachi no Sensou.
Watching the movie was probably a good stimulus to trigger tears to this song, and so many of the girls around me started sniffing [myself included?] But you could just see Jin was tickled by his hair and kept trying to stuff them back into the hoodie.xD
Then after the piano introduction, BANDAGE started. I really don't remember much since you tend to forget everything when you just stare at him singing his heart out.
Finally, care. Jin took off his hoodie and shown his pretty face. I don't blame the girls for letting out a kya-! when Jin walked up from behind cause it was really THAT shocking. Though Jin kept his eyes closed for the first bit to try to adjust to the lights, his face was just so pretty seeing up close. Of course, hearing this song live was all that I could have asked for, so I'm not denying that I got quite teary. Although he made it sound so rock-ish and constantly shaking with the drum beat, it was so cute that I probably made a fool of myself by trying to laugh and cry at the same time...
We then had the intermission for 30 minutes and I just sat there thinking if I had really saw him. It was seriously just like a dream and I couldn't help myself from shaking uncontrollably.
The staff came out with 6 chairs and lined them up, a camera right in the middle of the stage [for close-up during hallelujah], and after a while, Jin, a guitar player and 4 more singers came out and sat in the half circle.
Jin wore the suit and fedora and sat on the right-most chair. Hallelujah sounded wonderful [..and I kept getting teary..orz], Jin would kept peeking the audiences under his fedora when other people are singing, that was quite cute.xD
Then Jin stood alone on the stage and started singing change. He walked down the right side stairs and sang to a girl sitting just by the stage without his microphone, of course everyone started screaming like crazy.xD Then he walked back to the left side, somehow he looked back to the right side of the audience and bursted out laughing, then everyone started laughing and you could hear him trying really hard to control himself into keep singing.xDD He then walked back up the stage, sat down right in the middle front, and the stage moved forward towards the audience!!! OMG he must be less than 3 meters away from me..> < The girls around me were seriously dying and going kya-kya everywhere...I kept my mouth shut and just stared at him moving closer and closer to me..[ok I might actually be more scary in his eyes than the screaming girls..orz] As the song finishes, he stopped in front of row A and started the MC.
Jin: Hello 2nd and 3rd floors
Fans: Kya~~
Jin: Welcome to You&Jin
Fans: *applause*
Jin: Just before I made a mistake, sorry. This is the first time I made a mistake, I'm shocked, really shocked, REALLY shocked right now, I'm sorry.
Fans: It's alright~ [daijoubu]
Jin: Eh...DAIJOUBU..DAIJOUBU? [in foreigner's accent]
Fans: *laugh*
Jin: The concert this time, or show as you call it, You&Jin's...the songs I just sang, hallelujah and change are covers, and the rest are all written by me..
Fans: *applause*
Jin: Thank you. I got to perform songs that I like...
[The girl sitting right below Jin bent down to pick up something]
Jin: alright?
[Everyone including me's probably thinking of being in that girl's position]
Jin: Maa, if I gave a feeling that Akanishi-kun is like this, then it would be great. Eto...also, You&Jin, friend, a little joke for you there [Yuujin = friend]
Fans: *laugh*
Jin: When Johnny-san said it I didn't give too much reactions.."ah, that's right"
Fans: *laugh*
Jin: The song WONDER I sang with Crystal Kay is also a collaboration, afterwards there are also 2 songs that are collaborated, please enjoy those as well. One of them is collaborated with Nishikido Ryo, the other, which I'm going to sing now, Kaneko Nobuaki-kun from LANDS, the song we created together, please listen, paparats
No Q&A corners unfortunately, T T. Jin then got up from the spot, stood there, brought up the microphone stand and started singing Paparats. I personally love the lyrics. You basically can just throw any uwasas out there with this song and be done with it.
The video before Hey Girl was very fun, Jin and Ryo inside the studio composing the song. The animation was interesting too, although it was too much for me to focus on...
Before the show started, I noticed a guy sitting on the right side and was wondering if Jin would notice. When Hey Girl started, the guy [I couldn't get his name of] came out with a tissue for Jin to wipe and Jin pointed to the right so it was thrown there [of course, fought hard amongst the girls and got no where near the guy-v-]
We got female dancers dressed up in dog costumes and teasing Jin while he was singing, then got Jin pointing to us with Joey and the guy [just might as well refer to him as the guy..= =], to which Jin laughed and pointed back to the guy instead.
World dance was beyond awesome. Will extend on this in the next report since I didn't remember much during this day. The cigarette came up slow but successful. Joey and Kazumi are simply WOW.
I loved My MP3, though don't know why I couldn't remember it the first day...hmmm.
RESET got me teary again, where Jin and all the dancers got everyone to wave with them for the chorus, how I wish I could rewind my life back to this day...
Then comes Eternal. Jin was raised on top of the "earth" and sang the song beautifully. I don't remember much effects to this, but just standing below looking up at him literally glowing, it was so hard not to cry. He then bowed deeply after the song.
Everyone came back out for Keep it up, and Jin came down stage and stood on both side of OUR ROW!! Since I was in the middle and while everyone beside me flushed towards him, I stepped a few steps but stopped myself from going any further..I blame it on the aura= =
Introducing the casts, since Josh didn't know how to dance, Joey taught him some moves and did it together with him. When it was Jin's turn, he went up and imitated their moves as well, to this Josh threw his shoe at him from the right side.xDDD
Jin then stayed on the stage and thanked everyone for coming, and wanted to keep going with the shows. Then we got a "ciao" before he left the stage.
...the girls didn't even try to clap for Josh to come out and shoo us away and just started to leave.
My seat view