
Mar 05, 2011 01:54

I'm finding myself busy lately. It's odd how such expectations are becoming "normal" for me though. As a creature of habit I walk around sometimes and don't feel like I'm all that busy, but when I write out my to do list I'm reminded quite immediately that I do in fact have a lot going on. I'm not sure how long I can maintain the number of things I have going on, but for now it's starting to feel normal. I think that dropping my internship at ODOT is a big part of that. I'm overwhelmed now, but I'm also getting sleep and I have just a little bit more than I could actually manage.

Being so busy has been interesting from a personal growth aspect though. I get to watch myself deal with frustration a little differently. I get to see how I deal with my social life, or lack there of. I get to see the things that I really need. I get to see the things that I continue to do.

I think to be much, or any, more productive than I am being right now I need help from someone else to regularly encourage me. The ability to invest in someone else is something that I apparently require. As I get busier and working harder I find myself needing to invest more in other people. Having people invest in me is more a nicety than a necessity, but it definitely makes a difference in life.

I'm really tired. I have a lot more to say and think about, but I no longer have brainpower to process said things. Will think on these things more later.
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