1. Name: Jenna. Hi. :)
2. Age: 19
3. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose? Somewhere warm, i.e. California (where I am now) or a tropical island. The cold really gets to me. OR New Zealand, because it's beautiful and I'm fascinated by beautiful landscapes.
4. What would your Room of Requirement look like? Well, it depends on what I would require at a given time, but in general, it would have lots of books and squashy chairs and sofas and possibly a fireplace. Chocolate and such things would be nice, too. :)
5. Who is your least favorite Harry Potter character? Peter Pettigrew. I almost said Snape, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I hold a much stronger grudge for what Pettigrew has done so far. He betrayed his friends and continues to do so. It's amazing to me that he can harm Harry after what he did, especially when Harry looks so much like James. The betrayal of a friend is one of the worst deeds a person can commit.
6. Is the glass half empty or half full? Half full. Even when I was a kid and didn't know the metaphorical meaning of the thing, I always said half full. As much as I like to say I'm a pessimist, I get the feeling as time goes by that I'm not. Actually, I can be quite quixotic at times.
7. Give us a quotation (Can be from a famous person, a song, or even a poem-whatever you want) you feel represents your life or personality. I hate these kinds of questions, because I can never pull a single quote from all the ones in my head (or remember them all, for that matter.) So I'll post a few and try to keep the explanations short.
People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realize how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world. - Calvin (of Calvin and Hobbes)
I definitely don't consider myself to be a super genius (har har, far from it), but I do feel isolated and frustrated at times as a result of my brain. Not necessarily intelligence-wise, but in the way that I think; my thoughts tend to go along different paths than a lot of others'. Does that make any sense? Bah, see what I mean?
We are brought up thinking that we will become rock stars and famous actors, but we won't. And we are pretty pissed off about that. --Fight Club
I've dreamed, off and on, of becoming a famous writer or filmmaker or just generally doing something widely important with my life. Now, as I enter the adult world, I'm starting to wonder if that will ever really be possible. These ponderings make up some of my more pessimistic moments. :)
Tell us what you've seen, in far away forgotten lands, where empires have turned back to sand. - The Moody Blues
I'm often very curious about the rest of the world and its past. My goal is to one day be a travel writer or find some means of traveling the world. There's so much to see and so little time in which to do it (and so few means, heh.)
8. In your life, who comes first: family or friends? My close family comes above my friends, but my friends come above my more distant relations. As my sister (the person to whom I am closest in the world) says, a bit abstractly, the two of us are like apples who grew on a branch that stuck out far on the tree. Our branch of the family is a little different from the rest. Whatever. :) As far as loyalty goes, it depends highly on the circumstances. I don't believe in unconditional terms. I will support both friend and family as much as I can, but if a friend, say, pulls a Pettigrew, he is no longer a friend. Same with family. Blood alone does not give one the right to unconditional support if they do something unforgivable (as cruel as that may sound to some.)
9. What is your favorite childhood memory? Mostly, the times I spent by myself or with my mom and sister. I was something of a solitary child and knew how to enjoy my own company. I was awkward around people (um, still am, sometimes) so I don't have many fond social memories.
10. What would you say is your biggest flaw? My shyness or insecurity, however you'd like to look at it. It holds me back from accomplishing things sometimes and from being all I want to be. As I grow up, I improve and become more secure with myself, but it's still an impediment that I'd like to get rid of. (Irrelevant but possibly helpful sidenote: I'm seriously having to restrain myself from correcting that sentence because it ends in a preposition.)
11. If you had been at Hogwarts during Harry’s fifth year, do you think that you would have joined the D.A.? Definitely. It would have been a bit difficult to socialize, but I would have loved the opportunity to be a part of something important like that and to actually learn what I need to know to survive OWLS and possible future dangers.
12. Describe how you react to difficult or stressful situations. It's hard to say, as I've only had few and mostly minor stressful situations so far in my life. I'd like to say I'd deal well, and I think in some cases I really would, but I'm afraid of how I might react to things that truly scare or anger me. I might lash out or run to my mommy. :)
13. Which do you value more: compassion or justice? Most of the time, I'd have to go with justice. If someone murders a good person in cold blood, for example, that person deserves all the "justice" we can bestow upon them. However, as with most things like this, I believe that it really does depend on the case. A good example of this would be Draco Malfoy, coincidentally enough: do we condemn him for generally being a little shit and setting rabid Death Eaters on innocent children, or do we show him understanding because he did it to protect and honor family because he believed it was the right thing to do? Where do we draw the line?
14. Would you say that you’re a child at heart, or that you have an old soul? I don't want to be conceited, but definitely an old soul. I've been told that I'm very mature for my age. I've never tended to value trivial or shallow things and have placed more importance on things of deeper meaning. I know how to be childish (in a good way) and when it's better to be serious. I also seem to have a clear view of the way things are (I can't think of a clearer way to say that) ahead of other people my age. That said, I do have my immature and dependent moments. ;p
15. Which Hogwarts House do you think that the Sorting Hat would place you in? Ravenclaw. Or possibly Hufflepuff, but I don't think I'm cool enough to be there. :) I'm not quite brave and impetuous enough for Gryffindor or nearly ambitious or cunning enough for Slytherin. I'm more on the cerebral side.
16. If you have a picture of yourself and feel comfortable posting it, please do so! Pictures are fun! I don't think I have any uploaded at the moment. :/ Oh well.
What do you think?