Ну нет слов

Aug 08, 2010 11:42

ББ mamako Рабовладельческий строй.
Slavery (translation)
My shift is half over. All windows in the building are open. Smoke is in the halls, in the patient's and operating rooms, in all the quarters where bandages are changed and treatments administered, in most common rooms - the same as on the street. In the ICU department the windows are closed; the smell of burning is not diminished by that, but it keeps in the stench of decomposing in 40C heat used bandages and excrement. By this morning the twenty-four hour accumulation of bodies in our morgue reached 65 corpses (compared to average 8) - ours and additional, non “criminal” corpses from surrounding apartments. Corpses are stored standing up - the refrigerators are full. Ambulances bring packs of elders struck with hypothermia. Under the threat of losing our jobs, we are prohibited from entering diagnoses of heart stroke and hyperthermia. The same situation is in all Moscow hospitals.
P.S. It is 10km from here to Kremlin on a straight line. But who cares?
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