Mar 13, 2008 09:05
I know I know that I need to post about which fictional characters I would sleep with but the list is long and I am figuring it so I don't get in trouble with the girlfriend. The tivo arrived on Wednesday and there are already problems.
1)I didn't get a wireless adapter. I thought TIVO was magic and god-like with its powers but apparently it needs parts from best buy just like any electronic device.
2)I can't figure out how to get it to connect to my wireless network. I called tech support and the guy was like "I'm not really familiar with TIVO." Not familiar with TIVO, how do you live? That is what I would have said if he weren't so damn nice. So then I try to call TIVO tech support and the close at 11 PM EST. TIVO, why have you forsaken me? I love you. But the good sorta good news is that a tech support guy from my wireless provider emailed me this morning and said if I gave him the MAC address to the wireless adapter he would add it do their system. I just hope that I can get the girl sleeping in my bed right now to look at her phone and do it. Cause if I can do that then I can try to see if it works and maybe not waste another night figuring out the TIVO. I need to tape crappy reality shows and new shows that I'm sure will get canceled soon.
Why don't you work TIVO? I connect you, why you not record? Maybe I need to sacrifice a VCR just so show how loyal I am to the TIVO.