Jun 13, 2008 23:00
I can't...even put...into words...how absolutely, over the top angry I am right now. I'm at the end of my rope and the next person who even bothers to say words to me with regret it.
I mean really. REALLY. You- YOU have never even SEEN me angry! Ha! Oh my GOD it would be great to see you right now so I could just blow up. But nooooo because then it I would look pitiful and stupid, right? Oh! Of course! It'd be because I'm silly and jealous and BLAH BLAH BLAH. I just...ugh. I'm just sick of it. I think...actually, I KNOW that we already had this conversation, didn't we? We did. Yeah. Remember that? You said you'd try to talk about yourself less or...whatever. Or stop referring to yourself as "awesome". Well man. Maybe I missed something...
I don't want to...HEAR about it anymore. It's boring. It's boring as shit. I get it. I FREAKING GET IT. You're the best person who's graced our planet and you should spread your knowledge to the world.
I thought...I thought so many STUPID things.