
May 29, 2009 00:27

I suspect I am either too shy, too polite, too timid, too old-fashioned, or some amalgamum of the lot. I know for a fact that I'm too serious, and it's all starting to affect me. Oh, I'm certainly relaxed enough and conversational in person, but online...at a distance...you'll be hard-pressed to get me to open up unless you know me and I'm fond of you. Even then...I think it's hard for me to just 'chat' because I'm afraid that I'll say something stupid. I fear this is driving people away, because they see me as too one-minded or absolutely focused on one aspect.

It is only in my own writings that I find myself completely unihibited. When I write, I'm only trying to impress myself, to tell myself that not only can I do this, but I'm good at it, too. I bask in others' praise; I suspect that most authors and artists do. But my main reason for writing is to exult in my own talent...to just have fun with something I'm good at.

So...yes. I'm trying to get a story or two out and posted.
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