Sep 18, 2008 01:48
I completely just fangirl'ed over Edward. Bad.
*snicker* My fish is awesome. He didn't flinch from the overhead light (and I had the wisdom this time not to turn on his tank light and make him go into sun hating vampire mode) so I got to see a good fifth of his body. (Instead of just his twitchy nose or tail tip.) Hes SOOO freaking cute. I can't tell weather his mouth is tiny or not but hes got pretty coloring (stripes and peacock spots on his tail) and his head moves around like a mammals. Most fish have heads that weld to their bodies and don't move independently. Edwards does. (Think Beluga vs. regular whales.) He started moving his head,looking around at stuff and twitching his little nose around. (It kinda reminds me of an Tapir's trunk, only alot shorter and not prehensile.) It was adorable and had me dissolved into a pitiful rabid fangirl state. Well, until I moved my hand and he went "OMG! Human and light!" and backed into the gravel, disappearing. -_-*
Damn you, Foxy lady. You make my animal addictions worse than they already are. =P