My brain needs to quit going weird places.

Aug 30, 2008 16:55

Fleming doing Smooth Criminal in Lady Crymsyn. I'm betting the patron would have a blast. (Specially since a good portion are mobsters anyhow.) I'm betting Bobbi could convince Jack to do it. *grin* He'd look good in a white zoot soot and fedora. ^^ *dance*
(Shoe would laugh himself into an oxygen tent again though.)

Thriller is still fun. ^^

Edit: Ghosts is much more fun than thriller. ^^ I wanna know when this was made- it has some very fun graphics. Particularly the dancing Jackson skeleton.

Edit 2: Ghosts was made in '97. Explains the effects being very good, particularly the dancing skeleton. That one impressed me most. It was done using nodes to track movement on a person and importing that into the computer then using the movements on a cg model. (I feel bad. I cannot remember the technique name but I LOVE this technique.) There was alot of blue/green screening done. Much awesomeness. I should show this to Cash- it has alot of makeup/theater work done. And if I hadn't watched the credits/making of at the end I'd have never realized the mayor was not a different actor. Michael Jackson played the mayor also, he had ten tons of makeup and rubber put on him for the part. OO* Superbly cool.
It was also (*ShOCK*) written by Stephen King OO* and directed by Stan Winston. OO* Wow.

Wiki article:

Youtube video:
Pt 1:
pt 2:
pt 3:
pt 4:

Ghost of Jelousy is now stuck in my head. ^^

michael jackson, vampire files

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