i'm so done with this semester

Oct 04, 2015 03:26

i have a drama filled class and it's horrible. that, on top of two other hard ass classes means misery. as i posted to facebook, this is the earliest that i've wanted to rageflip my desk in a 16 week semester. you see what time it is; i've been studying since 10 pm and i'm just not getting ready to go to bed. the good news is i'm doing alright in o chem, but it's just time consuming this time around. i'm worried about the test in the class o' drama, but i don't really want to take the time to explain it right now--at least not until i take the first test.

a friend of mine used me as an example of a crazy sane person (or is that a sane crazy person?) in an argument about mental illness and gun control. she didn't say my name, and it was a pretty loose description. i'm thankful that my med cocktail is working these days. otherwise, i would have already rageflipped my desk. i'm fighting some pretty serious i don't wannas lately, and this is bad timing for it.

next weekend is my 20th high school reunion, and while i'm glad i get to go... i'm definitely operating on the "i used to walk in a room and wonder if people like me; now i walk into a room and wonder if i like them" plan. there's some people i'd love to see; there's some people that i would gladly tell to eat a big bag of dicks if we weren't planning on being classy (and leaving for part of it to attend some friends' wedding). i don't know how i feel about it yet. ask me when i get back sunday night.

my mother is driving me crazy with some shit about some homeopathic herb that was told to try for some of her side effects from the radiation. it's bad enough that i don't even want to answer her texts right now and i know that's wrong of me--my god, the woman has cancer--but i just can't with school right now. she knows i'm studying because that's all i ever seem to do anymore. and this was more of a "how does ebay work?" mom. seriously. just go to an herb store. this was after her credit card got compromised from ordering some shit from amazon and yeah.

i think my dad and my stempmother might be heading for a divorce. i know i say this at least once a year, but this time he is rightfully pissed off at her and i don't know if i have time or energy to care. sure, i'm on dad's side, so i wrote him a letter outlining what he might need to start doing if that's the path he wants to take. i guess he's gotten it by now. either i stepped in it big time or it ends like this. i wish i knew how else to help him, but with his fucked up situation, he needs more help with this than i have the expertise to give, ya know? dad hasn't called yet, so maybe he never got the letter. who knows.

my brother is still an asshole, i think. at least that hasn't changed.

hockey season starts soon!

that's all i've got for now.

family stuff, cancer, life, school, tests, family, exams, hockey

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