i sorta saw my PCP on monday. actually, i saw the NP, who took one look at the bruising on my shoulder and said "yeah... let me talk to the doc about getting you a consult to the shoulder clinic." which, yay, they have a specialty clinic for shoulders, but damn... what does that say about the military that the VA has a specialty clinic for shoulders?? the bad news was they told me it would be 1-2 weeks before they called me with an appointment.
you should know at this point, i'm still in pain. it hurts to eat--handling a fork hurts and feels heavy. :( my hand trembles when i try to eat.
today, i was being cranky because i'm in severe pain, so
fwtallgirl asked me to call the VA to see if i can be seen any sooner than 1-2 weeks. (i'll be in NC from the 13th to the 30th, so with my luck, that's when they would call...) GOOD NEWS: i have an appointment with the ortho guys tomorrow morning at 9 am.
joyce was like "damn, who did you have to blow to be able to be seen that soon???" i don't care and i'll take it. it sucks that i have drive into dallas AGAIN this week, but this pain is unbearable!
also, i am nearly done with my christmas shopping and it's only the 3rd. i scored myself a pat tillman throwback jersey too. i am mostly happy, minus the major amounts of pain i'm on. today was the last day of classes, and pretty sure i can pull straight Bs or higher. not the dean's list that i wanted, but not bad considering that i'm dealing with acute and horrible pain plus being suicidal earlier in the semester.