Nov 25, 2014 19:26
I stand corrected. So I'll just say it: some of y'all are posting some real racist shit right now.
I started to wear my I scare white people shirt today and then I thought better of it because as a black butch female with tons of ink, I really do scare white folks. (Don't believe me? Try looking like me and then having to go use a public restroom.)
Why are we burning up our own shit only to be perceived as thugs and trash, you ask? WOULD YOU RATHER WE COME TO YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD?? I don't know either. Some of you thinking justice has been served might not think that if it was a kid that looked like he could be yours.
Not all cops are bad. Not all black folks are thugs. But when you look like me (who gets misgendered as a thuggish black male), until I talk, how do you think that works out for me? And if you're about to say "but lee, you can fix that" then don't because you and I both know I can fix it on my own.
And if you're about to cry to me that you're white and didn't get a full ride to college/the job of your dreams because some lesser qualified minority took your spot but you didn't set a cop car on fire, then you have missed the point entirely.
Yes, I scare white people. More importantly, I scare people period, full stop. But right now, some of the people I know? They are scaring me and that makes me sad.
racial inequality,
white people