not my usual 9/11 post

Sep 11, 2009 11:37

i should be trying to come up with something remarkable to say, for it is 9/11.

but i can't. most of y'all already know where i was that day, and if you don't, i'll make it short and sweet. i was just a private doing some work on a switch. i didn't even find out what happened until later on that afternoon. and even then we didn't end up going anywhere until the next year.

so let's talk about today. i think i'm going to beat the holy hell out of my lawn equipment because i just paid 200 bones for the shit to get fixed and it still doesn't work. that will be my 9/11 act. i'm doing laundry. i'm packing for the beach. i'm taking the dogs to the kennel later. i'm doing everything but remembering that day. and if that makes me a bad american or unpatriotic, please to be kissing my ass. just for the record, i don't feel that i'm more or less of a patriot because of my little trip to the middle east. some people call us heroes. i don't know if i would go that far.

at this point in time, i feel like the best thing we as americans can do is live our lives. if i spend today in mourning for the entire day, am i processing? am i living my life? or am i believing the hype? were the events of that day terrible? yes. will i always know where i was when the shit went down? yes.

i ask myself this question every year: do i believe that we're any safer now than we were on september 10, 2001? safer, no; more aware of our place in the world, yes. we are not invincible just because we're americans. we're not so great and mighty.

9/11, politics, rants, dogs, road trips, errands, lawn equipment, chores

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