Mar 31, 2005 11:04
my dearest nita applebum
your love
keeps liftin me higher
higher and higher
get your free animal sticker - and be comforted by the fact that even though you are killing yourself, you are saving an animal - we'll decorate your coffin with those free stickers - and we'll eat animal shaped chicken nuggets at your funeral when we present your body and soul to the cow gods who forbid us from eating beef
whats wet and sticky and splattered all over the grave of our dear president reagan
- the tears of a nation
oh canada
i will not be living in you
i might visit you sometime but i wont stay
oh bank account
you are so shamefully hollow, void of any real soul
although you constantly remind me that possession and ownership are really just man's code for 'i am better than you'
oh china
grant me a red adventure
you, mao, me and my girl jenny
oh next life
when will you show your face
be it beautiful or busted, i just want to see
as i was walking down the block, completely lost in my own thoughts and inebriation, a very tall, thick black woman (obviously born a man) turned the corner - she had a proud (but not too proud) air about her and as we passed each other our eyes met and she said 'smiiile baaaby' - i laughed, it was just what i needed - and she was only the first character i encountered on my afternoon stroll
thats the last time i ask your opinion, fool
this joke is for the ladies
whats long and hard and can go on and on for weeks (aside from me)
- the nations grief over the passing of our beloved president ronald reagan
later bitches
all my lovin
tone staggering, staggering, still staggering, fall down