nathan barley: dan/jones; 5 emotions

Jun 14, 2008 22:39

title: when you're gone
author: iniq
fundom and pairing: Nathan Barley; Dan/Jones
theme: 5 emotions
rating: r
summary: Dan would miss Jones if he left.
author's note: the poetry quotes in this ficbit are from Michael Ondaatje's The Cinnamon Peeler - Selected Poems


and we let it drown us,
and we fly to it released
by giant catapults
of pain loneliness deceit and vanity

Dan catches them on the phone one evening. Claire is in the kitchen, her back to him, talking about the squat. How they are taking care of it. How the sink is still dripping, but not to worry. She is oddly careful in her wording.

The mobile phone is clutched between her ear and her shoulder. She laughs at one point. Open and freely in a way she never used to when Jones was home.

She says, "We miss you, too," before hanging up. So this is what it feels like, Dan thinks. He leans his head against the doorjamb.


emotions: envy

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