Stargate Atlantis, John & Teyla; Sexual Response: Plateau

Jun 12, 2007 18:46

Two for one today.

Title: Tea for Two: Plateau
Author/Artist: sjhw_tolerance
Theme:Stages of Sexual Response: Plateau
Rating: Adult

Tea for Two: Plateau

With John’s acceptance of the cup of fragrant tea, Teyla finally allows a slight smile to play across her lips. In taking the cup, he has not only signaled his acceptance of her ritual, but of her. She feels a fraction of her inner tension dissolve, quickly replaced with the heady excitement of knowing that John will be hers tonight. In a move as innocent as it is deliberate, she shifts her position, her skirt fluttering gracefully around her as she slips her legs to the side. His eyes follow the movement and she smiles again, savoring the rush of power that flows through her at his response.

“John,” she murmurs. His eyes flash immediately back to hers and she looks at him over the rim of the tea cup, preparing to take a sip. She pauses though, when he lifts his cup to her in a ritual she has learned from the members of the expedition. She follows his lead and raises her glass and touches it against his and waits for him to speak.

“To the future.”

A slight tilt of her head and quirk of her lips is her acknowledgement of his toast and she takes a sip of the steaming tea. Once they have both taken a drink, she carefully sets her cup aside. John’s look is puzzled as she plucks his half full cup out of his hands and sets it down next to her abandoned cup.

“To our present.” With effortless grace, she closes the distance between them and cradles his face between her hands. She has a momentary vision of surprise in his eyes before hers flutter shut and their lips meet. John’s hand clutch at her upper arms and she’s worried for a moment he intends to push her away, but her fear is unfounded and instead of pushing her away, he pulls her closer. She is ever adept at following his lead and looping her arms around his neck, she gracefully tumbles into his lap.

They have kissed before, but this one is infinitely better. There is no harsh demand or arrogance in his lips or his touch, this time she only feels a mutual need that is only partially eased by the melding of their lips. Settling easily into his arms, their kiss turns almost leisurely and Teyla fervently hopes that John feels the same need that burns inside her-that if this is to be their first and last time-that it will be as memorable to John as it will be to her.

five stages of sexual response

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