Stargate SG1; Sam & Jack; Times of Day: Dusk

Jun 12, 2007 18:41

Title: Dusk/Evening
Author/Artist: sjhw_tolerance
Theme: Stages of Day
Rating: Teen


Jack loads their suitcases in the truck after a dinner of cold sandwiches and potato chips eaten while standing by himself in the kitchen. They’ve been studiously not avoiding each other all afternoon and she wanders in about the time he’s finished and silently makes a sandwich, taking it with her into the living room and eating it while watching the early evening news. He resents the intrusion of the real world into what’s left of their time at the cabin even if they haven’t spoken since their earlier disagreement.

When he returns to the cabin, she’s still engrossed in the nightly news and he leaves her to the television and snags the last beer from the fridge, slipping out through the backdoor. He slips off his shoes and walks barefoot the few feet through the grass to the dock and stands on the wooden boards, the quiet hush of the water lapping against the wood piers and the bank mingle with the sounds of the water fowl seeking their evening roost; the crickets and cicadas adding their accompaniment to the lake at dusk.

If dawn is his favorite time at the lake, then dusk would have to be a close second. Twilight settles like a blanket over the lake and Jack takes a long swallow of his beer. He’ll miss this in DC…he’ll miss her in DC. Phone calls, emails and long weekends that seemed reasonable during the light of day seem woefully inadequate now in the face of their impending departure.

Jack knows they’ll make it work-they have too much invested in each other now to let something like a few thousand miles come between them. No, he smiles grimly at a passing loon that swoops down into the water, they’ll only let dirty sheets come between them.

He’s not sure how long he stands there, staring out at the water before she joins him. Long enough to finish his beer before he hears the backdoor open and then close and he feels her arms creep around his waist while she presses her cheek against his shoulder.

“It’s almost time to leave.”

He voice is muffled against his shirt and he sighs heavily. Her arms tighten around him and he lets the empty beer bottle drop gently down onto the dock and he folds his hands over hers. She’s offering him an olive branch and he has enough sense to take it. “I know.”

“I’m going to miss this.”

“Me or the lake?” he dares to gently tease.

She chuckles softly and when he feels her start to move, he releases her arms and she slips around in front of him, looping her arms around his neck. In the remaining light he sees the affectionate sparkle in her eyes that he’s missed since their earlier argument. “You.”

“One day,” he says, more serious than he’s ever been, “when we leave here we won’t be going in different directions.”
“I know,” she reassures him. “But we don’t have to think about that until tomorrow?”

He hears the question in her voice and cupping her cheeks between his hands, presses a kiss to her forehead. “All right, Scarlett, we’ll worry about that tomorrow.”


samantha carter/jack o'neill, times of day: evening/dusk, stargate: sg-1

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