Title: Passion
avissPairing: Phoenix/Miles
Rating: G
Theme: Five time periods - Now
Word count: 241
Miles is looking at Phoenix again.
It has become a hobby of his, just to stare at the other man while he cross-examines his witness, to watch the play of emotions on his face when he gets the clues he was hoping for, or the disappointment he can't hide when he doesn't.
Such passion.
Miles has always known Phoenix was serious about his work, what he didn't know before was that he is also determined, almost single-minded on his pursuit of the truth.
Now, for the first time, Miles is seeing him in a different light. The fire in his eyes when he is close to discovering a new fact, a new clue that might lead to the acquittal of his client, is the same that the time he cornered Miles on the parking lot. That fire means trouble for Miles, one way or the other.
He knows he should be used to lose to that man by now. Ever since Phoenix stormed back into his life Miles has not been able to come on top, not even once, be it at work on in his personal life. Phoenix never takes no for an answer and never relents if he thinks you're hiding something.
Miles never stood a chance.
He can't get himself to be worried about it.
Miles watches, and smiles inwardly. That is who Phoenix is, all passion and no restrain, and that is the way Miles likes him.