Gundam Wing, Heero Yuy/Duo Maxwell, Five Breaks: Broken Bone

May 27, 2007 21:41

Title: The Reason Why
Author: WickedGame
Theme: Five Breaks (broken bone)
Rating: PG
Author's Notes: not beta read. Dedicated to link_worshiper because she is the bestest.

When Duo came out of the fog a doctor was looking at his chart.

“What’s broken, doc?” he asked.

The doctor smiled at him and put his chart down. “Your ankle was broken. But I’m not your doctor. I’m actually Mister Yuy’s doctor.”

Duo looked at him, slightly confused. “Then why are you over here, looking at my chart?”

The doctor suddenly crossed the room to the door. “Because Mister Yuy refuses to let us set his arm until he knows you’re not dying.”

Duo looked up at the ceiling as he heard the door close. Heero was being an obstinate dumb ass, and Duo needed to know why.

gundam wing, heero yuy/duo maxwell, five breaks: broken bone

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