Silent Hill 4: Henry/Eileen, broken promise

May 27, 2007 20:50

Title: Leaving Marks
Author: rosehiptea
Theme: five breaks: broken promise
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 217

Crossposted to sh_het

When he sees the man in the coat, Henry runs. He doesn't stop for Eileen, he doesn't stop to think about who the man is, though really he is certain he knows. He just runs, crashing through grass and gates, irrationally trying to find a safe place in Silent Hill Woods. Or perhaps in the mind of Walter Sullivan, whichever it really is.

Finally he collapses in a stone tunnel, panting, trying to convince himself he isn't dead. Then he hears footsteps and he almost runs again until he sees that it's only Eileen.

"How could you just leave me there?" she shouts. "He could have killed me!"

"I -" Henry can't think of anything to say, any way to justify his actions. "I was too afraid."

"You promised to get me out of here," she says, turning her back to him.

Her back is bloodier than before. Walter Sullivan has left new marks on her and it's Henry's fault.

"Eileen, I'm sorry," he says. But when he walks in front of her and looks at her face, her eyes are glazed over and she doesn't even look at him.

"Daddy? I'm scared!" she says in a babyish voice.

Henry shudders. If he could even keep his promise and get her out, will she still be broken?

five breaks: broken promise, henry/eileen, silent hill

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