Gundam Wing, Heero Yuy/Duo Maxwell, Five Breaks (broken promise)

May 19, 2007 09:18

Title: The Reason Why
Author: WickedGame
Theme: Five Breaks (broken promise)
Rating: PG
Author's Notes: Not beta read. Dedicated to link_worshiper because she is made of awesome.

Duo nearly punched the orderly out of anger when he found out what had happened after they'd entered the weapons base.

It took four men to hold him still long enough to get the sedatives into him while Wufei looked on with apathetic eyes. Duo dropped to the mattress, his face red and his hair in disarray. He looked at Wufei with accusations in his eyes.

“He went in, Chang. He promised to stay out while I defused those charges and he went in anyway.”

Wufei rose from his seat and crossed the room to the door. “If you’d think for a moment you’d realize why.”

five breaks: broken promise, gundam wing, heero yuy/duo maxwell

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