Weiss Kreuz; Nagi/Mamoru; Emotions - Compassion

May 19, 2007 16:49

Title: Another Life
Author: daegaer
Fandom: Weiss Kreuz
Pairing: Nagi/Mamoru
Theme: Emotions (Compassion)
Rating: G
Author's note: “In our sad condition, our only consolation is the expectancy of another life. Here below all is incomprehensible.” (Martin Luther)

Mamoru looked up from his computer, rubbing his face. He worked too hard, Nagi thought, surprising himself. A full day's work heading his family's corporation, the same amount heading Kritiker. A lot for anyone, let alone someone who'd hoped for normality. Once only, Mamoru had talked of old dreams: college, honest work, a family.

One out of three, Nagi thought, wasn't bad. Unless the family's name was Takatori.

"It gets better," he said quietly, hating the bruised look in Mamoru's eyes.

"How?" Mamoru said.

"You stop caring."

It wasn't much, he knew, but it was what he had to give.

emotions: compassion, weiß kreuz, mamoru takatori/nagi naoe

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