Final Fantasy VIII: Seifer Almasy/Squall Leonhart, surprise

Dec 04, 2006 15:40

Title: Hindsight
Author: twilightsrain/edenbound (ficjournal)
Theme: Surprise
Rating: PG

He shouldn't be surprised that Squall is kissing him. He shouldn't be surprised, but he is, because despite all his hope and all the dreams he's had and lingered over in his mind, he really didn't expect to be so lucky. And he's dreamed of this so long he almost expected the real thing to be a disappointment. It isn't. Fuck. It really isn't. Squall is tentative and perfect, one hand cupping the back of Seifer's head, the other hand fisted in Seifer's shirt, and his kiss turns a touch desperate when Seifer responds softly, drawing a soft noise from him.


Squall pulls back a little, laughing at the startled look that lingers in his eyes. "Shit, Seifer, don't act like you're surprised. You've got to have noticed that I wanted to do this. I've wanted this for years."

"I... hoped," Seifer says, ducking his head quickly to press his lips to Squall's again. Squall relaxes a little and Seifer carefully slides his arms around him, pulling him closer, as if afraid that he's going to run away. Squall rolls his eyes.

"You're an idiot, you know."

"Always have been," he agrees, and kisses Squall again to avoid any further insults to his intelligence. He smiles when Squall wraps his arms around his neck, pressing closer to him and kissing him more thoroughly.

Squall pulls back a little after another moment, his eyes closed, his lips still brushing Seifer's. Seifer waits, running his hands lightly over Squall's back, wondering what's wrong now. "I love you," Squall says, finally.

Well. Fuck. He wasn't expecting that either, but if he thinks about it, he knows he still shouldn't be surprised. It's, really, obvious. It's true what they say about hindsight always being perfect though. Seifer kisses Squall again and tries to say it back, clearing his throat and trying not to let it come out in a mumble. "Love you too."

Squall's lips brush his again, lightly. "I know."

emotions: surprise, final fantasy 8, seifer almasy/squall leonhart

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