BTVS/Angel (Faith/Lindsey) Five stages of love-romance

Nov 17, 2006 22:16

Title: Dinner
Author: ebonypsyche
Theme: Five stages of love-romance
Rating: PG
Author's Notes:Another unbeta'd piece.
Words: 140

Lindsey's has to admit that he should have known that Faith wasn't the type of girl to get swayed by fancy restaurants and expensive champagne.

It doesn't stop her from ordering the most expensive thing on the menu though.

Faith caught a glimpse of the look on Lindsey's face and laughed.

"It's not like you're paying for it. That pretty WH credit card in your pocket is."

Lindsey looked at her. " And if I was?"

Faith shrugged. "Well then we wouldn't be here so it wouldn't matter anyway."

Lindsey made sure he had her eye before continuing. "Darlin' if I was paying for it, you'd be in the same seat you're in right now."

Faith tilted her head and looked like she was going to say something but the waiter came and the mood was broken.

For now at least.

angel the series, romance, faith lehane/lindsey mcdonald, buffy the vampire slayer, five stages of love

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