Veronica Mars (Veronica/Lamb) Five emotions-compassion

Nov 17, 2006 15:46

Title: Four emotions that Lamb tried to hide from Veronica Mars (and one that slipped through) 1/5
Theme: Five emotions- compassion
Rating: PG
Author's Notes (if applicable): spoilers for Ep. 3.02: My Big Fat Greek Rush Week oh
Words: 116

He watched the emotions that played across her face and waited for the satisfaction that normally came from getting one over Veronica Mars.

It didn't come.

Instead he found himself wanting to say or do something- anything to comfort her. Something to show her that it wasn't her fault.

Except last time he let that weakness get control of him, it bit him in his ass.

So he doesn't. He smirks at Veronica when the girl, Parker, runs out of the room in tears. Just to drive the intensity of what she had done further home.

Because hell would have to freeze over before he lets compassion for Veronica Mars get the best of him again.

emotions: compassion, veronica mars

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