Angel the series/Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Lindsey/Faith) Five sexual kinks: Voyeurism

Nov 06, 2006 17:59

Title: There was that one night 1/5

ebonypsyche (hey that’s me)

Theme:  Five sexual kinks- Voyeurism

Rating: Hard R. you might even call it FIC-17

Author's Note (if applicable): I blame and worship 
denied_heaven for this. I’m leaning towards worship because she is all betaing it for me. Also I’m taking this voyeurism thing and running with it in the background for the rest of these prompts.

Words: 256

"He's out there" Faith whispered. She dragged her nails against Lindsey's back, digging in on a particularly hard thrust. "Watching us"

Lindsey grinned at her, before lowering himself to lick from her collar bone to the outer shell of her ear. He might have spent a little extra time on her neck but, knowing Faith, that would never be a bad thing.

"Yeah?" Lindsey asked. Hands cradled Faith's hips and he stilled her, making his movements slow and teasing. "You think he's wishin' he was the one in here fucking you?"

Faith laughed huskily, enjoying the sexual torture for a while. She said nothing until she felt herself coming close to the edge.

Almost too suddenly, she flipped the position, assuming her favorite position of being in control. A shudder passed through him and Faith leaned down, answering the question she knew he had thought she forgotten.

"No. I think he's wishing he was in here fucking you."

That was all it took. Lindsey bucked and Faith laughed riding and milking the orgasm out of him. Along the way, it triggered her own climax and she arched back, just enough so that he didn't think she noticed the bitten lip which meant he had reached his own completion.

Climbing off him, Faith sighed. "That was fun."

Lindsey mumbled something she took as an agreement.

"But he's still out there." Faith said.

"Yeah darlin', what are you goin' to do about it?"

"Give him a show he won't forget," she answered easily. "Trust me?"

They both laughed.

angel the series, faith lehane/lindsey mcdonald, sexual kinks: voyeurism

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