Bones, Angela/Hodgins: Stages of Love

Nov 06, 2006 17:58

Title: Want
Author/Artist: plasticeneposes
Theme: Commitment
Rating: G

It's silly, really - fear of commitment. It's the worst cliche of all time. And after all Angela has seen, you would think that she could have come up with something more substantial to be afraid of.

Yet when Hodgins kisses her in the space of one perfect, silent moment, she panics. The Montenegro Retreat is achingly familiar, but she's never had to implement it after the first date. And she's never had to continue dealing with the guy she ran from on a daily basis. But Hodgins is proving most of her carefully-constructed assumptions and generalizations about the male gender completely worthless.

The day after she rejects him, she’s expecting a few grunts and glares outside of her presence being largely ignored. Instead, she gets a wide smile, a steaming cup of coffee, and horror that Zack doesn't know and of the words to "Rock You Like A Hurricane" - not even the intro. To say that she's confused is the understatement of the century.

The only thing Hodgins has ever been committed to is his job. The only thing Angela has ever been committed to is Brennan. Looking where it's gotten them, perhaps a change is in order.

angela montenegro/jack hodgins, stages of love: commitment, bones

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