Prince of Tennis: Tezuka Kunimitsu/Fuji Syusuke, Stages of Grief: Depression

Jun 05, 2006 00:32

Title: Everything Falls Apart: Part 4
Author: Reddwarfer
Rating: PG
Fandom/Pairing: Tenipuri: Tezuka/Fuji
Theme: Stages of Grief: Depression
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: The owners of PoT own PoT
Grief- Bargaining- Anger

Fuji's routine was Tezuka's routine. He'd wake up every two hours, check on Tezuka, and fall back into a restless sleep. He refused the help offered to him because, goddamnit, Tezuka was his, and his alone and no one could steal another minute from him that hadn't already been stolen.

He didn't have time for the friends that visited him. He didn't have time to leave the house. He didn't have time to eat much. He didn't have time to sleep. Tezuka consumed his every waking moment, his very essence, and he didn't have time for anything, or anyone, else.

stages of grief: depression, prince of tennis, kunimitsu tezuka/shuusuke fuji

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