CSI: Sara/Sofia, intimacy: hugging

May 29, 2006 22:04

Title: Hey Jealousy
Author: forensicgater
Theme: The 5 Stages of Physical Intimacy: Hugging
Rating: G
Author's Note: Title taken from the Gin Blossoms song of the same name.

Cos all I really want's to be with you
And feel like I matter too

Sofia watched as they walked back into the lab from breakfast. Warrick and Nick laughed at something Greg said as Sara hugged him. Sofia looked away, jealousy pooling in her gut. She could hear them laughing, and she wished she could be a part of that, a part of their group.

She wished she could be the one Sara laughed with, went out to breakfast with. The one she hugged in the lab before making plans to catch a movie after shift.

She waited until Sara was a few paces ahead of her before stepping out of the breakroom. "Hey Sara, the test results just came in. The blood is Donna's."

sara sidle/sofia curtis, physical intimacy: hugging, csi

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