Crossover: BTVS/VM (Spike/Veronica/Xander/Logan) Stages of change

May 29, 2006 21:05

Title: The Sunnyhell visit 2/5
Author: ebonypsyche
Rating: PG
Theme: Stages of change
Words: 487

"So vampires exist. And you two just happen to live on a hotspot for them." Veronica said summing up the last five minutes of Xander-babble.

"Yep, the hellmouth." Xander confirmed.

"And the idea of leaving has alluded you for the past 4 years?" Logan asked, slightly amused.

Spike rolled his eyes. "Tried to get him to go but the git refuses to leave Red and the slayer. Bloody white knight complex."


"Yup, my friend Buffy. The one girl in all the world that stands between us and the creatures of darkness. She alone...blah blah blah." Xander said. "But she's not the only one anymore. There's Faith now but she..." He trailed off at the sound of Spike growling.

"Bloody bint slept with Xan and then tried to kill him."

"Well at least you know it had nothing to do with your performance abilities." Logan smirked. Spike laughed outright but Xander had a gleam in his eye that stopped that quickly.

"You know this means we have to introduce them to the Scoobies."

"Scoobies?" Veronica and Logan both said.

"S'what they call themselves." Spike offered.

Veronica smiled and looked at Xander. "I wonder who came up with that." Meanwhile Spike stood started paced.

"No we're keeping them away from that lot. Don't need the soddin' slayer telling me off for dating. Bloody bint went off when she found out we were dating. And the poof will find a way to feel guilty for this and that'll stick the stick further up Slutty's ass."

"Slutty, cute." Logan said.

Xander winked at Logan and Veronica before promptly turning to Spike and presenting him with puppy eyes. There might have been extra innocence in them but hey whatever worked.

"No Xan, it won't work."

"But Willow is my best friend."

"Fine Red." Spike conceded.

" And what has Tara ever done to you?"

"Glenda can come too."

" And I dated Anya and broke up with her and she didn't curse me. She deserves to know what's happening."

"Fine Demon girl can come too."

Veronica wanted to ask but said nothing as she saw Xander was on a roll.

"And I thought you loved Dawn."

" Of course I do, I want them to meet the bit."

" And Cordy."

"Bloody hell! The cheerleader can meet them."

Xander knew Logan was perking up at the cheerleader thing but he was almost done.

" So the only people who can't meet them is my father figure, my other best friend, and Deadboy."


" Even though they're always at the Magic shop and it's hard to separate them?" Xander concluded innocently.

Spike stood there gaping, trying to figure out a way out of it. When he gave up, he narrowed his eyes and stalked toward the Magic Box. Xander turned back to the other two. "I guess we know where we're heading next. Don't worry Ronnie you'll like my friends...well maybe except for Cordy. But Buffy will make up for that."

Logan and Veronica followed still reeling from what had happened while wondering how it could get any weirder.

veronica/xander/logan/spike, crossovers: buffy/veronica mars, stages of change: confusion/shock

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