Title: Forever Against (always for)
shiina_nozumoFandom: Naruto
Pairings: Jiraiya, Orochimaru, Tsunade
Theme/Prompt: Five Stages of Change - Shock
Rating: G
Word Count: 103
A/N: *bows* I'm really sorry
animadri, it won't happen again.
Jiraiya hadn’t really been surprised when he found out that Orochimaru was doing experiments on Konoha ninja to complete a forbidden technique. No, he wasn’t, he couldn’t have been because then that would mean he cared.
Jiraiya didn’t care; he had a young boy to look after and too many hard years to think about mistakes now.
Tsunade hadn’t been surprised when Orochimaru disappeared and Sandaime-sensei declared him an S-Class Missing Nin. She had, however, been surprised that Jiraiya had gone missing as well. No one, Hokage included, could find him.
She had found him three days later heavily wounded with tears in his eyes.