Title: In Amor Veritas Part 1: Luxuria
Author: Reddwarfer
Rating: R
Fandom/Pairing: TeniPuri: Tezuka/Fuji
Theme: Seven Deadly Sins: Lust
Word Count: 250
Disclaimer: The owners of PoT own PoT
Fuji was doing it again, Tezuka noted as he observed practice. No matter how many times Tezuka had asked, or commanded, Fuji refused to act in manner that even resembled surreptitiously.
It annoyed him that Fuji got to him as easily as he did, but it was what it was.
Fuji would look at him with that look, smile at him with that smile, talk to him with that voice, and he'd feel the want thrum through his entire body.
If he closed his eyes, he could remember every last detail of the hour alone they'd spent after their last practice. He could see the way Fuji bit his lip as he thrust. He could feel the way Fuji's nails dug into him. He could hear the way Fuji begged him. He could smell the delicious scent of Fuji's skin. He could taste the sweat on Fuji's neck. He couldn't wait to get Fuji alone again.
Tezuka glared at Fuji in warning as he wondered whether Fuji thought that he was being subtle. Nothing could be more obvious than the way he arched his back as he served, mimicking his body in throes of passion so deftly. Nothing could be more blatant than the way he grunted as he returned every ball.
Fuji did it on purpose. He intentionally bated him, leaving no choice but to assign laps. The fact that practice was all but over, and they'd be alone when Fuji was finished had little to do with it.