Title: Pride
Author: Sweetness(aaronlisa@gmail.com)
Fandom: Buffyverse
Pairing: Vamp Willow/Vamp Xander
Theme: Seven Deadly Sins - Pride
Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: The Buffyverse belongs to Joss Whedon and company.
Author's note: Set in the Wishverse.
As Xander watched her torture the worthless vampire with a soul who had attempted to put an end to all that the Master had worked for, he felt a sense of pride for her. When he had first turned Willow, the Master had been furious and had even threatened to destroy the redhead. Almost immediately, Willow had proven her worth to the Master and had gained the both of them power and prestige as the Master’s most feared progeny. And now as Xander watched Willow at work, he knew they would surely rise higher and he was proud of his girl.