Title: No Fool
astarvingwriterTheme: Stages of Love: Commitment
Fandom: Inuyasha
Pairing: Sesshoumaru/Kagome
Rating: Any Age
Author's Note: In a hurry and in need of an edit. The other prompts (Jareth/Sarah, Lucius/Hermione) that I didn't get to this time due to computer/moving issues will be completed in my personal journal @
astarvingwriter. As for this... Enjoy if you can.
No Fool
Standard Disclaimer Applies
When she goes through the well that last time, he knows it is only a matter of time before he sees her again. Moments, possibly days at most, she’ll see him again.
But he... he will suffer in solitude, living these dangerous years between.
He doesn’t regret letting her go because that would be foolish and he is no fool. Instead he accepts the necessity even as he abhors it. Her place is with him and there should be nothing keeping him from keeping her.
But there is. This world, despite his presence in it, does not belong to her. These open lands, these warring people cannot hold her here, and they certainly cannot hold her love. It is in that other world across the blue expanse of the well that they must continue.
He wonders for a moment if these years, so short and so terrible, will make him cease to be interested in this one human girl. He wonders if she wonders the same.
And then he dismisses the thought as foolish. He is not one to let go of what he wants so quickly, and if she loses faith in his love so easily, then she isn’t what he thought she was.
Yes, forgetting her, becoming disinterested would be foolish and he is no fool. For her to think him forgetful would make her a fool, and he is not one to be interested in fools.
He will be there on the other side of that well, only five hundred years from now. He will be there with his hand out, welcoming her back into her world just as welcomed her back from the dead.