[Gundam Wing] Quatre/Duo - Senses Theme #4: Smell

Apr 24, 2006 19:55

Light and Shadow by Starsinger

Disclaimer: Don’t own them, don’t get (or got) any money, so please don’t sue.
Pairing: 2x4
Theme: Stages of a Relationship Through the Senses #4: Smell
Rating: PG
Warnings: Some angst.
Archived: On my writing livejournal and at stagesoflove. Let me know if you want it.

Story © Starsinger; Characters © Gundam Wing and its owners; Written for stagesoflove's Stages of a Relationship Through the Senses challenge, and I'm so sorry it's late. Set after Beginnings, though it's not necessary to read that in order to understand this. Many thanks to darthanne, my incredible beta.

When Duo pushed the door open, the hot, spicy scent hit him. He hesitated, half-in and half-out the door, trying to think if he'd done anything lately to upset his lover. He couldn't - not that this necessarily meant he hadn't - so he continued in, shutting the door behind him. He loved the smell of Arabic food, but Quatre only made it when he was upset about something - homemade Arabic seemed to be his comfort food.

Toeing off his shoes, Duo called warily, "I'm home."

Quatre's voice floated in from the kitchen. "Welcome home, Duo. I'd come greet you, but I need to keep an eye on the kibbi filling."

Duo hung up his jacket and headed toward the kitchen. Quatre was wearing Duo's apron, the one from the local barbeque joint that read "Best meat in town." He'd taken off his suit jacket and tie, and loosened his collar, but other than that looked like he'd just come in from the office.

"You're home early," Duo said neutrally. "Anything wrong?"

"I can only come home early if something's wrong, now?"

"Of course not - it's just unusual," Duo replied, backpedaling quickly.

Quatre smiled. "Apparently I should do it more often, then. No, nothing's wrong."

Duo inhaled, trying to make it appear natural. "Arabic?"

"You have to ask? It does have a rather distinctive smell."

Duo sniffed the air again. Garlic predominated, and the strong, clove-scented Arabic coffee Quatre enjoyed was a close second. Then he could smell the lighter scents of the various spices Quatre used. Duo'd never learned their names..

However, he was more concerned about Quatre. "So how was work?" he probed.

Quatre seemed distracted as he bent over the stove once more. "It was fine. Boring. Would you set the table? Dinner's almost ready."

Duo did so. What could be so bad that Quatre wouldn't talk about it?

"How was your day?" Quatre asked, as he brought the food to the table. He took off the apron and sat down.

"It was fine," Duo replied, examining Quatre's face. Quatre seemed as lighthearted as ever, his face clear and his eyes untroubled, but Duo knew how good an actor Quatre was.

"Are you planning on eating any?" Quatre, his plate now full, motioned toward Duo's empty one.

Duo blinked. "Oh! No, it smells delicious." He helped himself to the food, darting little glances at Quatre. Finally, he couldn't take it any more. "Quatre, what's wrong?"

Quatre laid his fork and utensils down carefully, as if he were keeping himself from slamming them down through sheer force of will. "I've already answered that question once, Duo, and I don't appreciate being asked again." His voice was cool and controlled, but his eyes were snapping. Duo opened his mouth to say something, but Quatre overrode him. "Nothing is wrong. Now can we enjoy the dinner I've prepared?"

"Of course; I'm sorry." The answer was quick, but Duo was more concerned than ever. Something must be seriously wrong for Quatre to have lost his temper. Finally Duo blurted out, "It's just that you only make Arabic if you're upset about something, and so I've been a little concerned. And you always say it's better to talk things out rather than keep them inside. So …" he trailed off invitingly.

This time, Quatre did slam his silverware down. "Damnit, Duo!" He took a deep breath then another. "Fine. I think we do need to talk. Seriously. About us."

Duo felt his world drop out from under him.

gundam wing, five senses, duo maxwell/quatre raberba winner

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