Stargate: SG-1: Sam Carter/Paul Davis - Stages of Love: Intimacy

Apr 18, 2006 19:33

Disclaimer: Characters belong to MGM et al.

She throws her dirty shirt into the laundry basket on her way through the bedroom. The mission wasn’t dangerous, just tiring, and all she wants to do is sleep.

That’s when she notices the laundry basket is empty, despite being overflowing when she left. A further check shows that clean clothes - bras and underwear included - are neatly put away in closet and drawer.

She knows she told Paul to make use of her place when he was in town… but this goes above and beyond the line of duty.

Sam knows she’s finally hit the jackpot in men.

samantha carter/paul davis, five stages of love, stargate: sg-1, intimacy, original

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