Stargate SG-1: Daniel/Vala - Trouble in Paradise: Breakup

Apr 11, 2006 19:25

Trouble in Paradise: Breakup

Stargate SG-1: Daniel/Vala
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Characters belong to MGM et al.

Even as she packs her bags, she reminds him that she was the one that came onto him originally. Furthermore, she knows now it was a mistake and that she preferred their relationship before it turned intimate. At least then, she points out, she could come and go as she pleased.

Daniel doesn’t mention the bracelets she slapped on their wrists that stopped her from doing that.

She refuses a ride to the base, and calls for a driver. As she leaves she tells him she intends to leave Earth as soon as possible.

He says, “Good riddance.”

He’s lying.

daniel jackson/vala mal doran, stargate: sg-1, trouble in paradise

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