naruto; kakashi/sasuke; romance

Apr 06, 2006 02:28

OMG. A tad late, but worth it I hope. It's been a bit hectic. O.o

Title: Reassure Me..
Author: secondangel
Theme: Stages of Love #02 - romance
Word Count: 216
Rating: PG
Author's Note: These things have a mind of their own. X3 I was trying to do a continuous story, but now it's become snippets of events that follow the chronology of the series. Ohwell.
Warnings: Yaoi. DUH.


It was nearly one in the afternoon, and as usual Kakashi was late. Late by a significant amount of time. Sasuke had learned to expect tardiness from his teacher, but today for some reason it was particularly annoying.

The dark-hairded genin held the envelope he carried tightly in his grasp, for his very future depended on it. The very future of the Uchiha depended on it..

"Good morning!"

Sasuke turned to find his sensei atop a boulder above his head. He always appeared in such a way, precariously perched on some wires or suspended upside down on a tree limb. This behaviour intrigued Sasuke, and he continually tried to predict where he'd next appear.

Sasuke was always wrong.

"So?" He asked, but Sasuke knew exactly what he was referring to.

"I'm going to do it. If I die, at least I tried." The words came slowly as he fought to keep them steady. There was that knot again, hot emotion welling up deep down.

Noiselessly, Kakashi leapt down from the rock and stood before Sasuke. He extended his hand, ever so slowly, and placed it on the boy's shoulder. It was the slightest of gestures, but somehow that gentle squeeze was reassuring.

"Close your eyes."

Sasuke did, without dispute. When lips met his he was surprised, but didn't pull away.

That was even more reassuring.

romance, five stages of love, naruto, uchiha sasuke/hatake kakashi

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