CSI, Sara/Sofia, Romance

Apr 05, 2006 12:18

Author: venetia_sassy
Theme: Romance
Rating: G
Word count: 100
Author's Note: Has either Sara or Sofia ever mentioned having a hobby? Besides reading crime books?

#2 Romance

Breakfast was a long, lazy meal. Conversation had been slightly awkward at first, Sofia wondering how she’d found the nerve to ask Sara to breakfast, Sara wondering why she’d said yes, but they soon found a rhythm. Shoptalk at first, then other interests; music, hiking and photography for Sara, B-grade movies, swimming and craftwork for Sophia.

Walking in a nearby park afterwards, their hands brushed occasionally as they listened to the sounds of children playing. Sofia paused and plucked a flower from a bush. As she tucked it behind Sara’s ear, their eyes met. And Sofia’s hand brushed Sara’s cheek.

sara sidle/sofia curtis, romance, five stages of love, csi

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